A brain is a terrible thing to waste!


New Member
Hey Forum
On Monday, i purchased a brain for $15:D . The only catch is that it is injured in the area that I circled in the picture:nope: . The skeleton is actually sticking out of it in that area. It has not eaten anything I have tried to give it nor does the tenticles stick out. I have not seen the mouth open either
. So I'm asking for help on how I can bring this brain back to life.
Parameters are normal, except for 20ppm of nitrate (which doesn't seem to bad either).


Active Member
Right now, no worries. Just watch the area and make sure it doesn't get worse.
Bring back to life, LOL, looks pretty good to me.:yes:


Active Member
I had the same problem with my brain

In fact mine looks exactly like yours and mt shrimp ended up eating 80% of it:nope:
I am not sure if it is still alive, I assume it is bc the shrimp have not finished him off yet


That's a very small damaged area. It should be fine but I would put it on the sandbed they are much happier there and just watch your water params.


New Member
Thanks guys. I will put it on the sand bed in a min. As for an update though, it did eat the shrimp I gave it last night, and the tenticles came out. I think it will be fine as long as I continue to monitor it.


Active Member
As long as you have good lighting and water quality, it should be fine. I picked one up in Sept. that was nothing but a skelaton with a speck of red flesh......you should see it now:eek: I'll try to post a pick later you give you some Idea.


the shrimps did not eat it, that was mucous disharge from the brain that the shrimps were cleaning off.


Active Member
my cleaner shrimp ate 80% of my brain coral!!!!
I watched them do it!
they ripped off little pieces and were eating it!!!
the cleaner shrimp went to town on the coral
now I have a little brain coral left and mostly a white razor blade looking skeleton.
I am glad to see that it will grow back though- according to this thread :)
and shrimp are scavangers and eat everything, why would you think that they would not eat a brain coral?


New Member
Those brains look incredible stuckinfla. I'm starting to think that the brain, at 15 dollars is a great deal.:)


Active Member
Yeah, free brains are great, here's my freebie(nice to live down the street from your LFS owner)when I got it. It looks the same now, just alittle bigger and bluer.:yes: