A bunch of little critters in my tank


New Member
Recently I noticed tons of little (1 mm) white "critters" all over the glass and riser tubes. They have a oblong body with little wirey filaments off one end. I just introduced a 4 eyed butterfly and want to get an anenome and a pair of Percula Clowns. Anybody have an idea what they might be. They are not on the fish and the fish are healthy.


Staff member
You have a reef tank? These are copepods, perfectly normal and desirable!


Active Member
congrats....people pay money for them...You're lucky...i'm thinking about buying them from a place online. i wish i was as fortunate as ur tank is!
i've had them 4 times and theyve been in there soo much i can berly see through the tank!!
they might be good but theyre nastly little boogers! Parisite clear helps a lot! :D :D


New Member
Hey thanks for the imput. I think that I will go ahead and introduce some more fish.