a couple of questions about algea

okay 2 types im wondering about:
1: brown algae that grows on my glass, i have to clean it every 3 days. What causes it and how can i keep it from comming back.
2: coreline algae, there is not much on my rock at all and its been set up for 6 months. i do have a very small purple urchin in there could it be keeping all the purple from growing???
This is a good question as I was wondering the same thing. A LFS told me that the brown algae was normal and that it was part of a new tanks first cycle. The LFS suggested waiting until the brown algae turned green, at which point I should start adding fish, inverts, etc. Is this true?
I am pretty sure I have also seen descriptions of snails that live off of brown algae?
Anywho, I think the LFS is at least partially correct in that the brown algae superseeds the green algae. Im now going on my 3rd full week with my tank and I am starting to see more and more green algae growing.
-- Tor
umm there is no sun and i dont know what kind of food your talking about considering i dont feed my fish chunky food. you must have the wrong person.


Your brown aglae is a bloom of diatoms. Most of your snails will eat this no problem. This algae is not thick and slimy is it?
Your urchin will eat the coraline aglae, I know mine does. It's both good and bad.
Bad obviously, because the urchin is munching on your coraline.
Good thing though, is it helps create more spread of coraline in your tank. As long as you keep up your calcium, when the urchin breaks off some coraline aglae to eat, this helps release spores of coraline which float and land on another surface. This could be LR, glass, etc.
The major problem that I have with my urchin, is that it is just mowing down my plants. O well, he still looks pretty cool! :D
the brown comes of really easy, its not slimy. my rock is mostly white though. theres not much coreline for him to eat left. how long would it take to grow some back if i were to take him out of the tank??? hes only the size of a quarter....