a couple of questions regarding a condi


Active Member
Last week I bought this anemone. I know that it was bleached when I bought it, but I thought I would nurse it back to health. the nem is sitting under 2x250w halides just if anyone wants to know. the questions that I have are in the pic I circled some white marks/areas on the nem, is this it getting back to health. and also is the condi a lower/less light demanding animal than other nems? the reason I ask that is that it has moved lower than where it was in the tank. and yes he is on the move in the pic.


Active Member
and the reason for me asking is that these marks havent been on it till I believe today or late yesteraday


condis are less light demanding anemones.
and imo yes, its regaining the color and replacing the translucence. i think its going to do good. its a little unusual that it started to get its color back in a week but thet might be due to the mh. and it could take anywhere from weeks or months to get it back to health so i guess its within the range to start showing its initial color