A Crab that can Kill??? Hitch hiker...tiny, but very sharp claw (one claw missing) and HAIRY!!


New Member
Hi guys,
we have had this little hitch hiker crab in our mushroom rock for a while now. The problem is 2 fold, number 1, he is tiny, and number 2 we are pretty sure his one claw looks like he is a meat eater... Our green mushrooms and zoos are on this rock, so we really dont want to FW dip it or boiling water or anything too extreme... ID help?

I know, I know, its hard to see the whole crab.. this guy is about 1/4" at his widest point... the claw isnt tipped black, but it doesnt look like an emerald crab claw to me... it looks a little more mean.. any idea?


Look up gorilla crab. I'm on my phone at the moment, so it's hard for me to see.
Those tips are considered black. And their pointy. Bad crab!
To get it out is tricky since you have corals on this rock that you dont want to kill.
Get some eggcrate, put it in a container large enough to he this rock. Put food on bottom of container, the egg crate an inch or two above food and rock on top of eggcrate. With water in container. The idea is that the crab will leave the rock for food, and once it falls through the eggcrate to the food, it can't make it back to its home in the rock.


New Member
He is out!!! And the LFS wants him :) YAY! I hate to kill anything, so I'm glad someone wants him, but I dont want any mean crabs!!