A Difinitive Book On Salt Water Aquariums


New Member
I have just entered into this fascinating realm of salt water fish. I have a 110 gallon tank w/o a living reef and being maintained by a professional.
First, is there a definitive and recently published book on this subject. Secondly, any suggestions on selection of fish after the "break in" period where a few damsel fish will be tested. And thirdly, any other suggestions for a neophyte like me!!


Originally posted by anthem:
<strong>No 'definitive' book. The best out there is probably 'Conscientious Marine' by Robert Fenner. There are also reef books as well, but you can start there and read these message boards as well as Fenners site (wetwebmedia.com) which is quite good.
YUes the Fenner book is informative, and not too scientific. A good "handbook" IMO. Useful, informed resources are just about anything from Sprung, Moe, or Delbeek.