A digging puffer?


I noticed yesterday that my porc puffer was digging in the sand in a corner of my tank. He has so far cleared about a 4 inch square down to the glass. Is this unusual? :notsure: The tnak is a 150G and his tanksmates are a 4inch foxface, a 2 inch clown and a 3 inch bicolor angel fish. I have been observing them and haven't noticed anything out of the oridnary. I checked the water parameters and they are Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 Amonia-0 Ph 8.0 slainity 1.024 Temp 79 degrees. Is this cause for concern??? :notsure: :notsure: Any help would be appreciated.


If your puffer is blowing the sand, this is normal, looking for food, probably not stirring enough to put things out of whack..... Of course if your puffer is rubbing, that's another story...lol


I watrched him today and he seemed to be sweeping the sand for a few seconds and then would turn and try and get something with his mouth(possibly the bristle worm that resides somewhere in my tank). He seems to be eating fine and is acting normal in all other regards. Just strange behavior. :notsure: