Just a few questions about our foxface we've had in the tank for 1 day...
1. When does their all-yellow back return? I know they get discolored when stressed, & his color has much improved since he was delivered by the LFS yesterday, but he's still got a brown back.
2. His eyes look a bit cloudy to me. Does that mean there's a problem? We have 2 Green Chromis & their eyes are clear-black, and the Foxface's eyes are definately not like that. Almost like they have a cloudy "film" over the top of them.
3. I have green algae sheet on a clip, but he has not eaten any of it since he was put in the tank yesterday. He has eaten the frozen Marine Cuisine I put in the tank.
4. He has lymphocystis on his tail (about the size of a grain of rice), which I already know is a problem & am monitoring...just wanted to throw all the facts out there!
1. When does their all-yellow back return? I know they get discolored when stressed, & his color has much improved since he was delivered by the LFS yesterday, but he's still got a brown back.
2. His eyes look a bit cloudy to me. Does that mean there's a problem? We have 2 Green Chromis & their eyes are clear-black, and the Foxface's eyes are definately not like that. Almost like they have a cloudy "film" over the top of them.
3. I have green algae sheet on a clip, but he has not eaten any of it since he was put in the tank yesterday. He has eaten the frozen Marine Cuisine I put in the tank.
4. He has lymphocystis on his tail (about the size of a grain of rice), which I already know is a problem & am monitoring...just wanted to throw all the facts out there!