A few More new pics


Active Member
Awww, your clown and anenome are so great together!! I just finally was able to get a decent shot of my cb angel...the one and only pic I've been able to get. I got it to post in another thread. Too bad she's so camera shy, cause she sure takes a dynamite picture!!
Very cool corals Todd. I can't wait to get that far. Gotta work on getting some decent lighting first (suggestions here are always welcome).
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I only have soft corals, had most of them for 5 monthss now, and i only use Actinic lighting in this tank, I have metal halides in my 125 gal. tank. But my corals under the actinics have done awesome. All have grown. Its been kinda an experiment ive been running. Goes against the rules but its working great. I do keep most the corals in the upper half of the tank though and give plenty of coral supliments. Goodluck to ya! Todd


Active Member
Funny, but my corals seem to do better with just my acentics on also, when i turn on the 2 white pcs after the accentics are on awhile my corals seem to close up alittle. :notsure: :thinking:


Active Member
Thats one FREAKIN huge condy blemmyguy. I like the bubble. My anemones are doing good also. My bubble bubbles up under PC lights but it dont push them to the ends like it would under MH. And my other one is doing better now that its in the sand. I will try to get the pics out to ya when I can (probly tomorrow).


Active Member
I fed mine a piece of raw shrimp last night ( bubble coral ) and it was cool watching it eat it. i also gave My anenomie a piece ! He loved it too! Glad to hear your are doing ok. Thanx for looking! Todd


Active Member
OMG.... Thats one big condy! Lookin good Todd as always with your pics. I want to see some pics of that 125 u have. Have u posted some somewhere else?


Active Member
Ill get some new ones this weekend. and post them soon. I had aproblemn rescently with it. While i was on vacation it over heatedd and killed se, corals!! Todd


Active Member
Sorry about your corals. Thats the only problem about going on vacation. I had mine spike up today but I guess I bumped the dial so I just lowered it.