a few new pics of my tangs


Active Member
hey all
i was feeding the tangs today and felt like taking a few pictures. very social bunch and extremely interested in us. always brshing against our hands when in the tank and sticking thier heads out of the water just to say hello. and yes they are all very large tangs but the biggest is the naso which i think is clear
pics are not that great but i thought i would share anyhow



Must be nice to be rich. JK, that is awesome, there is just something about feeding fish out of your hand that is so cool. I love feeding my cleaner shrimp and clown fish from my hand. Nice looking fish. Would love to see the whole tank too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLACK COBRA
Do you have a full tank shot? Is this a big shallow aquarium? Looks amazing from just the feeding pics

yes i will have more tank shots soon. took along break from this build but just got back to it. and yes it is big but no that shallow. Its 2 foot deep 3 foot wide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
really amazing tangs and pics you got going on here! this is from your lagoon right????
yes its the lagoon raceway. finally getting it stocked up and looking like a reef.


Beautiful sailfin tang. How long did it take for them to be comfortable eating from your hand?


Active Member
thanks. a few months i would say but over all once they all learned that the food comes from us when we show up they all came around VERy quickly. i started by NEVEr feeding and walking away. this way they got used to eating with us around. then we would keep our hands in the tank the whole time we fed them and eventualy we started holding the food and before you know it they wont leave you alone. any time we are in the tank the fish are rubbing against us begging for a treat


Tangs are super easy to train to eat from your hand. Both my Sailfin and Blonde Naso learned quickly. You have guts for training the clownfish. My clown would go right past the food and straight for human flesh, she's so mean!
I'm working on my Anthias right now, but they want no part of it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
Nice & healthy looking tangs. Those purple tangs are awesome!
thanks. the purple was being camera shy which is odd because he is normally the first one standing at attention when we come up to the tanks. great color. VERY rich and bold markings.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
You have guts for training the clownfish. My clown would go right past the food and straight for human flesh, she's so mean!
I'm working on my Anthias right now, but they want no part of it

i know what you mean. we have a maroon in the other tank that is super mean. she will ram us full speed the second we put our hands in the tank. i find it funny but it always makes me jump every time lol.
this gold strip is VERY laid bac and very large. nearly 4 inches and is a nice as can be. there are 4 black and white O clowns that are VERY small babies in this tank there were put in AFTER the gold strip. i thoguht for sure it would be a dissaster but she swam right up to them and all 5 hang out for months now like best friends. never showed any aggression. I think it might be due to the size of the tank there is no need to be bossy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by roberteb
I love the shot of the blonde naso eating from your hand. How long have you had him/her?
not very long. just a few weeks. its the newest addition and the largest at nearly 11-12 inches. the other tanks are only about 8. she is a beast