A few Nudibrance Questions


Active Member
heres some questions
1. Ive notice lettuce nudibranches arent poisonous, i was under the impression all of them were, do you guys tell me which ones arent poisonous? pics will help a lot :D (Does the purple ones with white lines and the yellow tree like branch, poisonous?)
2. Does lettuce or any nudibrances eat hair algae?
3. I want to get new powerheads, can you guys recommend a good one for my 15 gallon? that wont suck up and kill a nudibranch? I would try Rio's but it seems like everyone has a problem with one. There are new powerheads out, hagen and JBJ. What GPH rate do you guys recommend on a 15 gallon tank?
Thanks everyone


Active Member
The purple or Hypselodoris Bullocki, emits a skin toxin, thats distasteful to fish but not posioness to whole tank, also Chromodoris Magnifica has a dont mess with me color scheme,along with a bad taste but not toxic,
also these guys have a very Narrow diet, mine do eat algae but mainly are sponge eaters


Active Member
plum, i like the one in the second pic, i wish i had that around here
is 3 considered too many for a 15 gallon?
anyone know the answers to the other questions?


i took my scrambled egg nudibranch back to the lfs where i bought didnt want it anymore didnt have proper food so i got me a mushroom rock instead.


Active Member
Julius, Good for you , thats a smart move:)
for 3 in a tank, you will have to have the food supply to support them, do you keep sponges?, thats their main diet,
when these guys go I will not be tempted to buy another, as most starve in aquariums, Ive been lucky so far with these, Im constantly taking them out of my sump,


the first mistake i made was buying it cause it looked cool then when i actually read they were poisonious and they eat sponges thats when i took it back to the lfs i dont need nothing killing off my tank ya know


Active Member
how are you guys protecting the nudi's from being sucked up in the powerheads?
how about lettuce nudis? can i keep those?


my buddies sea cucumber killed itself on the powerhead a couple of days ago i guess he go sucked in to bad he had to pry it off with a knife.


Active Member
Id say a lettuce is the best bet, if you have the algae to support it, as for powerheads ?, I dont use them , but I have a great problem keeping them out of the overflows, then I find them in the sump, these guys have 0 gravity and they can float all around the tank, the currents force them to get stuck often,


Active Member
i have plenty of algae in my 15 gallons i want to get rid of esp hair algae, how many do you recommend in a 15 gallon?


Active Member
sounds good to me, all i have to do is research on powerheads, do you know if maxijets have something to protect the nudi's from being sucked up


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I have read that some people use a piece of filter sponge in the intake, but it has to be kept clean,


Active Member
what kind of sponge should i use? is it safe to use a rubberband in saltwater for a long period of time? so i can hold it together if i use a sponge


for the powerhead I have (aquaclear), you can buy a quickfilter, which is like a sponge filter that goes on the intake, so it cant suck up things like anemones and nudibranches.