A few Pics of my 70!


Nice tank it looks like its really coming along:joy:
One question....whats the green in the bottom right on the first pic??
BTW nice choice with the maroon:cheer:


Active Member
One question....whats the green in the bottom right on the first pic??
its some type os Calopura, or something like that, i buy it for my herbivores, in such a young tank, gives something to eat. my tang eats it up, as well as my flame angel. i just throw some in there , it will be gone in about 1 week. and dont hold me to the spelling on that!!:notsure: . thanx, and i love your GSM too!!!
p.s. sorry i put that one pic in 3 times?????? i would post it and it wouldnt show, so i tried it again, twice!!:jumping:


sweet todd the tank is really coming along....i like the flame the best, does the tang ever pick on the clown at all? he seems alot bigger


Active Member
too funny!! Andd theSamm your answer is not at all, he or she has been very nice, but i had the GSM first, might have helped there.And I love the Flame too!!! its one of the reasions i started a 2nd tank, already have a Coral Beauty in my 125. Thanx to you all for lookin and compliments. its still young and now im torn between it and my 125!!!!! but i think its a good problem to have :D