a few pics


New Member
i really like it alot but i think its a lil much. have to get my schedule situated to try and reduce some of the algea growth though


New Member
stocklist :
2 pj cards
2 bad guy cards ( bangaii )
2 maroon clowns
4 snails
1 pepermint skrimp
1 cleaner skrimp
1 scarlet leg hermit
any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated


I've heard good things about emerald crabs.... they're typically docile and not a problem in the tank (though if they run outta food who knows)
I like the way the tank looks but how many lbs of LR do you have? You may want some more base rock to fill out the tank more (I say base because you have LR and the base is cheaper and will quickly become LR). That is entirely up to you though.
Get some corals in there, they add so much more personality!
What type of snails, I like a mix of tubro/nassarius. There are other types but the turbos (mexican or even Astrea) manage the LR and glass, and I like Nassarius for the sand. Plus the nass are a ball to watch rise outta the sand when its feeding time.

nano reefer

Active Member
You're going to want to paint the back, or get a sheet of plastic to cover the back. It would be cool if you covered that plywood with some plastic, then had lights shooting at it. The tank would be backlit...


Active Member
I agree with more live rock and possibly a background. It's a great start though!!


New Member
thanx guys , as for the snails i have 2 turbos and 2 nass. and what you see behind the tank isnt plywood i live in a log home . i just havnt figured out what i want for a background. oh yea it is a 55 with 40 lbs of LR