a few pics.



hi everyone!!! remember me??
havent been around in a while due to getting a new camera.. the nikon d100. simply an amazing camera. at first glance, it sounds pricey, but when you consider what this camera does, its well worth the money for photography.
Well... i still havent forgotten about my tank either. my tank has been doing GREAT!!!... i cant belive how well its doing with minimal upkeep...
I am still dosing B-Ionic, but having trouble getting a mechanical doser to work and am waiting for the third replacement to come to my house. But, i upped my dosage from the last time i posted and also upped my dosage of coral vital... the corraline is really taking off.. everything else in my tank seems to like it too.. my xenia is out of control.. i even have a little frag farm going on with about a dozen nice size frags, all about the same size i started with with when i was given a frag from a local frag meeting.
Only problem i had was a flood caused by my forgetfullness... I ran a tube from my RODI unit located in my kitchen to my tank, and use a small nozel to fill my sump to the rigth level. After a week away, my water was quite low, so i had to leave the RODI unit on... well... i forgot all about it... and when i woke up the next morning, i overflooded the sump with alot of water... and i mean alot. the salinity dropped to a nerve racking 1.019 (thats in a 135 gallon with 50 gallons underneath in the sump areas)...
Well.. it took me two days getting the salinity back up to 1.025 with me having to add about 10-15 lbs of salt... over the next few weeks, i was expecting a major fallout, but the only thing that didnt do well was my plate coral... i really liked that plate too..... sad to say, i took him out of the tank, about 2 weeks after the insident.
So... I added a float valve to keep the water at the same level in my sump.. to those who add water to their tank manually.... Get a float valve.. mine was $25.00 and probably overpriced because i got it at a LFS, but, it really makes me have one less major thing to worry about.. and i am sure a constant level is very beneficial since there are no salinity swings.
The only other thing that may have gone wrong, is my starfish... i havent seen it.. at all.. not at night, not during the sunrise or sunset faze, not during the day.... it seems like its just missing, or gotten eaten.... hopefully, its just hiding...but i wont know till i break this tank down. oh, its a blue linka, and when it was added, it went though a 6 hour drip method acclimation, and looked like it was doing well when it moved into the rocks.... so who knows.
well.. thats enough of bringing you up to what i have been up to in the last few months... now, on to some pictures.!!!


this pic is of a friends daughter who really made my day... I just loved how she was amazed at the tank! it really made me melt.


here is another frag i got (see plum.. you just had to give me some time till i got a great pic of it).. its doing really well, and i estimate its doubled in size (if not bigger)...since you gave it to me.


here is a red legged hermit in the middle of my xenia farm..... no, he doesnt eat the xenia, but he makes them all curl up and he moves their rockshome around keeping them clean of algae


the best pic i have so far.. it is my latest addition (about a month ago).. i was very hesitant in getting a clam, since my tank is only 6 months old, but he seems to be doing well, and other than being irritated by the cleaner shrimp every once in a while, he seems to like it here.. a wierd thing though.. after taking the pic, i found him on the side... i propped him back up, but he was back on his side again... after the third time... i just left him on this side... it apears to be getting light on the entire surface from the MH, so i am not too concerend.. but i just thought it was weird.
the pic was taken at f2.8 1/60 sec and 35mm focal length and about 2/3 feet distance from camera.... very little color adjustments other than a slight sharpness and contrast tweeking...
I think i have printed about 10 copies of this guy...lol


i was worried about these when i first got them, since they didnt open for a good week... but after moving them a few times in my tank, i think i got them in a spot of their liking, with moderate light and high waterflow.... i think they like it.


i just love these guys... unfortunately, i have 3 in my tank, and will be looking to give two of them away at the next frag meeting down here in south florida... along with 30-40 nassaurase (sp) snails of which i have plenty!
I cant belive how fast they grow... you can see the white portion of his shell... that is new since he has been in my tank (3 months)


here is something i found in my tank which i thought was really wierd.. a snail of some sort (if someone could help with ID, that would be great)..
Fast suckers though.. took about 5 tries to get a pic of it... every time i left the room to go get the camera, i came back and lost it....


the palmtree looking thingers... i had this since i had my tank. (7 months) and i started with 3 stalks.


cleaner shimp.. i purchased a dozen peppermint, and 1/2 dozen cleaners about 3 - 4 months ago.. (desimated my pod population and i would not suggest doing this!)
most killed by my CBS about two weeks after i put in my CBS, but i have 2 cleaners left and about half the peppermints.. all have been doing well for 2 months.


i originally had 3 fire fish, but one died of ich... luckily, a second ich outbreach has not occured, but then again, i havent added any more fish.. nor do i plan to... well... i do want to add a tang, but at this point, i am in no hurry, and will add one in my next tank.... yes, i am planning a 2nd tank... not two tanks.. but a replacement tank... i'll go all into it in about 6 months from now... thats when i plan on finalizing my planning on a transfer.


not sure what kind of coral this is... but its very dramatic... turns bright white when a crab or shrimp touch it.... its amazing.


well... thats it.. thanks for all that waited though the downloads to view my pics.... and i would appreciate some helpful tips, hints, criticisms, or "attaboys"


CB, yep... it is great on how much kids enjoy fish tanks... having a reef tank is double the fun since they can spend hours in front of it looking at everything... i am not sure how many times she said "and whats that??"
KrUnK, thanks!! The clam pic is probably the best pic of the tank i have... unfortunatley, its when i just got the camera, and didnt know to set the camera to shoot in RAW format to get the 16 bit color, but nonetheless, it turned out great!



Originally posted by waterfaller1
..how about a full tank shot..pleaseeeeeee...

well.. all the full tank pic shots i have are rather bad... i am experimenting with taking serveral pics and splicing them all together. My roomate is moving out, and when that happens, his piano is going with him, so i will have a better angle to take the tankshot with.... give me a few weeks... i am going out of town for a week and wont have any time.
thanks for the ID of the snail though..



Originally posted by Fishman830
awesome awesome pics beautiful tank

thank you!