a few questions about feather dusters


feather duster not coming out to play : (

As the subject says. Is it normal for a feather duster to be dormant for a while? It hasnt come out in close to 24 hours. Would its positioning not be "acceptable" or does it matter where it is placed. I have submerged under the sand.
And what is its exterior made of? It seems to be a rubbery type compound. Is this a living tissue and connected to the worm or just a pod developed for protection? Anyhow just curious.


Active Member
give it time like a day or two then if it doesnt come out smell it. and no the tube isnt living tissue if the worm decides to it wil sometimes leave the tube somewhat like hermit crabs except the dusters create themselves.


it took mine about a month to get comfortable enough to come out during the day. Keep an eye on it when the lights go out. Mine would only come out under the moon lights.


is there any water movement near it. if theres too much, it probaly won't come out. I have 2 and they came right out after acclimation.