a few questions for afew pros


New Member
here we go.. tanks been up for about 8 months.. doing great.... i am a former member... my old id will remain off topic as i got booted for a dumb argument i should never have been childish enough to partake in... first off.. i have difficult keeping xenia alive.. or healthy cause i have some fora while now but it looks terable.. my anthilia was doing great and took a turn for the worse about a week ago. got short and the tips started curling.. some times my button polyps look bad some times look great.. mushrooms are all doing fantastic.. my hammer and frogspawn are doing great... zoos are doing great but not reproducing... all levels are fine... alk, calcium, and all others are ideal... regular 15 gallon water changes every 2 weeks... tank is 75 with 40 fuge... cant keep cheato or any other macro alive.. filled my fuge 6 times in the last 8 months only to have it all die... do i want 24 hour lighting down there or reverse from the dt lights.. lighting is 2 250 watt hqi 20ks with actinics... had a problem keeping fish that where new... all originals are still alive and healthy but new fish dropped in a day or too.. turns out my hydrometter was off by 4 points... got that straigtened out a month ago.. lost 2 out of 5 new fish.. better than 0 for 6 before the hydro problem was resolved... sg is now 24 to 25 just cant understand the xenia and anthilia problems im having... is there somthing specific that should be checked.... if more info is needed please ask.. help is always appreciated... and lets stick to facts guys.. when i was only a month to 2 in this hobby i ran in circles listening to everyone.. i have since learned only listen to those that are certain.. i read all the time on here and have not found direct answers to these questions so i thought i would ask... if you need pictures or anything else to help ill get them on promptly.. thanks for your time and knowledge in this matter...


i have heard that xenia likes dirty tanks but my xenia is doing amazing, its like a weed i gotta frag it like crazy. your lights might be to high considering there 20k. what kind of water are you using? ro or tap? yah lemme see some pictures of what ur tank looks like.


Active Member
Some tanks just don't keep xenia well. I couldn't keep it in a setup i once had for unknown reason, everything else thrived, sorry, no real answer for you.
I tried to send you a longer reply about this but the computer was jumping of line. Anyway I don't have facts but I can tell you what works for me. I have over 40 stalks of the stuff in my tank. I can have 2-3 right beside each other and one will die while the other two are plitting; lighting to them all no one is pushing the other one. I don't have an answer to that but would love one. What I can tell you is that when you have a piece that lays down and starts it's melting look. After it has down that a day or two leave it where it is and cut one little fingure off of it. Leave that fingure in the water because it will make new groups alot of times. If the piece you have is very big cut a whole stalk off of it that will make you about a 95% chance that one or the other will live; ussualy both!!!
I have some under a 25 watt 50/50 bulb. Very little light. Then Others under 2) 175 14000k mh and 2) attinics. The water flow is from very low to right in the power head. Some is in the DT or is in the refugium. You get the point......everywhere. I have anouther thread going about filters ..... "I don't need no filter", we are talking there as well about it and it's nitrifaction factors. You may want to read it if you are having problems!!!


New Member
read it last night and was informative but didnt help me out persay... i want my xenia to stay alive my anthilia to get better and have my macro algea reproduce instead of dying
What I was wanting you to see from the thread was we concluded it feed some off of nitrates in the system. Some people can't keep it that good. The pics where a little blurred but it looked like you have some clove as well??? How long has the xenia been in the tank and how long has it been down?
Well I have been told that xenia is like a female. I know it soulds stopid at first but it my be the truth. A women when she gets older hits minapause and can't reporduce; I have been told that xenia can go through something like that and it "melts". The only way to get it to refurbish this chemical so it grows again is to cut it like I was talking to you about in anouther post. In the tread I started you said you had read everyone decided that it had to have nitrates to grow!! If you are not having any trace of nitrated you may be starving it? No one know for sure what all it grows from. If someone tells you they know it is only from there personal try and error. I am doing a little testing on it now myself. I can grow it good but some of it still melts. I can for sure tell you if it getts melting to much and you don't cut it you will lose it. I lost so much before I started tring this. I started it by tring to cut of a piece of it to save it and found that not only did I get a new little piece but the old one started growing again???? Don't know why
Xenia just like any other soft coral need Iodine(and so does macroalgae like Chaeto).I would buy a test kit and add supplement if needed.I run carbon24/7 so I have to dose for it and skimming removes iodine also.
Hope this helps.....oh and this is fact.


New Member
been using iodine and calcium and strontium and the whole line from kent marine... been doing it from just about the begining and testing every 3 to 5 days for everything... doing my best to keep a happy healthy tank... just loosing my anthilia and xenia and macro...