A few questions I need answers to. PLEASE!


New Member
Just a couple questions about my tank. I have a 55 gal. In it I have: Clown, Domino, Porcupine puffer, Brown tank, and a Naso tang. I got a clam (will it ever show itself again?) and a very small conch.
The ammonia is good and the nitrates are good but the nitrites are way up there. Do I need to do water changes to fix this or what?
How many fish is a good amount to have in a 55 gal?
Will my Puffer eat starfish? I'd really like to get a blue starfish but I don't want to if my Puffer is gonna nibble at it.
I read that you aren't supposed to feed freshwater feeders to the fish, but that's what they told me to feed them at my local fish store. I did try to give my puffer the frozen shrimp but he won't eat it.
I would appreciate any answers.


Active Member
Hi! Welcome to the board.
How high is "way up there", and how long has it been that way?
NitrIte isn't as toxic for fish as ammonia, but it can still be deadly if it get too high for too long. You'll probably have to do something more drastic than water changes to deal with it, although they can help dilute the toxin.
As far as your stocklist, with those two tangs in your tank, I would say you're fully stocked already. Lose the tangs, and you could probably replace them.
The puffer will go after any type of invert you put in the tank, including starfish. I'd save your money there.
If you've stopped the feeders, what are you feeding? The Tangs require plenty of algae and LR (Live Rock) to feed on, but the puffer requires meaty food in order to thrive.


First off how old is your set up. Nitrites are part of nitrification process that happens when a tank is first set up and goes away never too be seen after the first few weeks. Water changes will help this as well as time.
Secondly I think you have some fish that are ill suited for a 55g. The naso is a fish that grows pretty fast if fed properly(If not withers and dies) and if you have ever seen a full grown porcer in the wild it looks like a basketball with fins. I think the powder brown if relatively small will be alright for a year or too. I had a sailfin which gets around the size and it took him around 2 years too outgrow(is now in a comfy 150g)
Thirdly that clam and conch are on the porcers menu. Sooner or later he is going to dive in. Anyways good luck and happy reefing.


Active Member
You should not keep ANY tangs in a 55.... Or a porc puffer IMO... way to big of a bioload for that tank thats why your levels are crazy....
If you leave them they will all be dead in a few months.


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
If you leave them they will all be dead in a few months.

This is kind of a wild statement. I kept a sailfin that is still with me going on four years now with 7 other fish in a 55 for 2 years with nitrates at 0 ppm. I had a massive hair algae scrubber though. With the proper filtration it can be done.


New Member
We set up our tank right before xmas.
As for the Porcer - right now "Puffin" is only about 2". I understand that they grow, but he's pretty small.
The clam buried itself. Will it come back up? Never had a clam before. Don't know what to expect.