A few questions


I have added my first fish on Sunday, 2 small clowns, and an orange spotted sleeper goby. So far all is well and the clowns have been eating just fine...as for the goby I am not sure, he has built a fortress under my live rock and remains hidden. My daughter caught a quick glimps of him so I know he is alive, but what concerns me is I can not see if he is eating. What can I do to make sure he is eating? Next question is when can I add my CUC? So far my levels have remained good, but now that I am feeding I want to add some snails and maybe emerald crabs, and, or a sally light foot. Also some brittle stars. I am on the fence about hermits because they kill snails. I was thinking of blue leg if I do, I would also like some opinions on hermits.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
you can add them now. i wouldn't add any hermits. i trust emeralds over hermits. i'd stay away from brittle stars as well. they are excellent hunters and known fish eaters. if you want a scavenger starfish, i think a serpent star is a safer bet.
as for the goby, you can't force-feed him, so the best thing you can do is add food and hope for the best. just don't add so much you dirty your tank up in the process.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mp32
I have added my first fish on Sunday, 2 small clowns, and an orange spotted sleeper goby. So far all is well and the clowns have been eating just fine...as for the goby I am not sure, he has built a fortress under my live rock and remains hidden. My daughter caught a quick glimps of him so I know he is alive, but what concerns me is I can not see if he is eating. What can I do to make sure he is eating? Next question is when can I add my CUC? So far my levels have remained good, but now that I am feeding I want to add some snails and maybe emerald crabs, and, or a sally light foot. Also some brittle stars. I am on the fence about hermits because they kill snails. I was thinking of blue leg if I do, I would also like some opinions on hermits.
Thanks in advance.
Gobies are known to hide. They usually do that and really the only way to know if he is eating is if ammonia is at 0. If it is higher then you know that he is deceased. You should have added the CUC first and then 1 fish so that your tank can adjust itself to the new bio-load. I would wait a month or two and watch your nitrates carefully and then get the CUC. The only CUC items that I have had experience with are Turbo snails, nassaurius snails and blue leg hermits. So far I haven't seen one of my hermits eat my snails. Be careful if you get a brittle starfish, I have heard people run out of food for them and have them die.


Gobies are known to hide. They usually do that and really the only way to know if he is eating is if ammonia is at 0. If it is higher then you know that he is deceased.
My ammonia is at 0 so I guess he will be O.K. I will continue to monitor