A few simple questions



it would seem that everyone on here that has a coral tank uses a dsb...so questions number one is do you use the mix method or is it all sand? and does it have to be deep for coral?
my second question is does what type of lighting am i going to need? am i going to have to custom build my own hood or something?
My third question is how many power heads am i going to need? and what are some good skimmers for my size tank? Which i forgot to add that its 20 tall
i'm not so sure i even want to attempt coral rigt now though...this is my first venture into saltwater and i don't know that i would be capable of dealing with coral...although it was my origanal reason for wanting a marine aquarium...thanks for you time


If you purchase everything properly (asking questions here helps make the right decisions), you can get all the equipment proper before jumping into corals. I have been in this about 10 months or so and I need to upgrade my lights before doing so, but I am glad I haven't made the jump yet into corals. Although the may not be overwhelming difficult, I have enjoyed just having a FOWLR (fish only with Live Rock). By doing this first, you will allow 2 things: 1) allows your tank to mature and 2) allows you to mature - I mean to learn how to deal with the maintenance of a tank and what not.
Hopefully someone can answer your questions for you. I just wanted to welcome you here to this wonderful board and to let you know you can (should?) go slow before purchasing corals.
Good luck!


hey thanks for the advice...i was kinda considering that but i didn't know for sure if you could go from a fish only to a reef tank...so if thats possible that is definatly the route i will take...hmm...i was in dallas...sunday...airport...i live in oklahoma so...lol...not to far away...well thanks byes
Although I have a bigger tank, for power heads, I would just make sure you dont have any dead spots in your tank. Maybe someone with a tank your size will answer about how many Gallons Per Hour they need to be.
I have heard of people using a mixed sand bed, but when I switch over to a DSB, I am going to use Southdown Argonite Sand, about 4 inches deep.
What part of Oklahoma do you live. I live just outside of Tulsa.

damsel dame

New Member
I have spent the last couple of months reading evrything possible, which evryone will recomend. I have found that the avrage opinions from all my reading seem to be that sand is a must for reef tanks and crushed coral seems to trap more stuff within it, that of course is harder to get out and can mess with the water quality. As for the second question, most people seem to be saying around a 2inch sand bed or a little more. I have a 55gal and just used play sand since it's much cheaper. I planned on adding a bit of live sand but decided to go with live rock instead, which evryone seems to agree is a must for any tank. I found a really good site with some cheap PC lighting that i'm gonna go with, if you would like the link email me at
As for the powerheads, that area i'm a little unsure in just how much is the right amount but i would say for a 20 tall that a Zoo med power sweep214 should do the trick and they rotate on thier own (i have one) plus they are also pretty cheap on ----. I paid about $15 with shipping for mine. Hope I was some help.


New Member
Here is a chart that in found with some numbers that might help you...
<a href="http://www.tbsaltwater.com/package_chart.html" target="_blank">http://www.tbsaltwater.com/</a>


hey thanks for all the great advice...it will all go to good use...and as to where i am...i'm around the ada area...so my closest fish place is like norman...40 minuts away...lol well thanks again...byes


Active Member
Well, i am in the making of a 20g tall myself. Not up and running yet, but i have almost all of my hardware. It is as follows: CPR Bak Pak 2r skimmer, 2xRIO 180 powerheads (although i have heard that these arent so great but we'll see), and a 100w EBO Jager heater. Going to have a 3-4" DSB, 30lbs LR. For lights, I did build my own hood (which was EXTREMELY simple), and I will be building a second one as the first was merely a test, that will house 2x65w PC's from custom sea life. The retrofits are much cheaper. I hope that this helps, my tank is going up when I move in about a month so it sounds like we are going through the same process together! Let me know how things go for you!


I most definatly will...and i'll look into the products that you are useing too...thanks for the info...if the mood possess you, you can email me at supa_saiyan_rogeta@hotmail.com kinda long but oh well lol cya and thanks!