A Fish by another name?


It was suggested in a previous thread that I get a "Court Jester Wrasse" for my 35 gallon tank. I cannot find any fish with this name the closest I could find is a Rainford's goby. Does this fish even exist or should I just get a 6 line wrasse?


Active Member
Really the name is Amblygobius rainfordi.
IMO, not an easy fish unless you have a large heathy live sand bed from were they mainly feed.


Thats what I found in my research. Do some LFS call this goby a wrasse? If so that may be where the confusion started. If I was to get a rainford goby it woud be long after the tank was established. Especialy since I plan to run the tank without fish for about a month after the cycle is over just to let all the hitchhikers and inverts settle in. I might add my perc clowns from my 10 gal just after the cycle, but I wont be buying any fish for awhile.


I bought a rainsford goby and the store sold it as a four di goby. I don't think they are often labeled properly. He is awesome, but you do need a nice amount of little critters for him. He is always out, not shy at all.