A fish survey



How many of you out there name your fish? My wife thinks I'm looney for naming my fish. :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
my names are very original
mandrine's name is mandy
my last blue tang was andre (named after the guy who gave me a gift cert to my LFS)
my velvet wrasse who my coral beauty ate his lips- his name is mouthy
my coral beauty's name is meanie
my starry blennies name is benny (same as y beagle)
I have not named the rest of my fish


There is a tank in our office and the fish have been named after executives at our company (HQ is in another state).
I will not give the names (to protect the innocent), but we have given individual names to a V Lionfish, Picasso Trigger and a Bird Wrasse. Contrary to traditional wisdom, the Trigger will NOT mess with the Lion. This contributes to some of our naming scheme if you know what I mean.


I don't name mine, it's not like they'll come if I call them, lol. My room mate bought 2 peppermint shrimp for the tank though and she calls them cocktail and scampi, what a dork.


Yeah, I hear ya. My Blue tang and clowns have had several name changes. I name them, forget the name, and then rename them. So that settels it... I'm not strange as my wife thinks.
:jumping: I say, "Hey they're pets and we all name our pets so what's wrong with it?"


Everyone including inverts have names in my tank and I use their names when talking to or about them. (Yes, I talk to my fish. Shut up.) I wanted the names to have a theme so I chose the character names from the show Futurama. I have the clowns Fry & Lela, Nibbler the starfish, Dr. Zoidberg the anenome, etc.


My two Clowns are named Buffy and Riley. The Six Line Wrasse is Xander. The Bicolor Blenny is Giles. The Coral Beauty I will soon get will be Willow. My Skunk Shrimp is Spike. And the two Peppermint Shrimp are Drusilla and Darla. For all the "Buffy" fans out there!


My Percula clowns are Lucy and Rickey, Blue tang is Pedro, Yellow tang is Speedy, Bi-color angel is Jammer, Flame angel is Diablo, Scooter blenny is Mickey, Cleaner shrimp is Pokey, Purple firefish is Vinny, Banded pipefish are Bonnie and Clyde, and my lemon peel angel is Sonny. As for my corals, I don't go there and I too talk to my fish! :D