A Good Algae Eater for Sand?



I have some snails and some small hermit crabs, but the crabs seem to like to clean the live rock, and the snails seem to like to clean the live rock and the glass.
Is there something I can buy to really help clean up any excess algae that forms on the sand?


Active Member
Well, nassarius snails burrow in the sand, but mine seem to prefer left over food to algae.
Your problem may be too little circulation though. Once I kicked up the circulation in my tank algae quit growing on my sand.


Active Member
so, what kind of pump/powerhead would i buy for a 70 g tall tank? i def need some movement in there!


Active Member
My cerith snails seems to prefer eating algae in the sandbed over algae on the rocks and glass. Works mainly at night and during the day burrows under the sand so it does help keep sand bed stirred up and loose as well.


For a 70 gallon tank i would get a least 1 powerhead of 700gph or multiple ones addidning up to that. You could go higher if u want to. IMO i would go with 750gph in ph then have a sump with a high powered return pump.