A Good Algae Scraper????


I'm in the market for an algae scraper w/a razor blade. I know they make one but can't find a place to buy it. George W.& Cooder, are you just using the blade itself to scrape?? I also think a razor blade is the way to go to get rid of the coralline & tough stuff on the glass BUT w/a 110 gal. high tank, it gets pretty interesting trying to to reach to the bottom the glass!! Anyone know where I might get one??


New Member
Read my article posted on 4-11. I like mine a lot, but you need tyo reserve opinions for yourself. Good luck.

george w

New Member
I use to use a single edge razor blade. You can find these little plastic holders for them also. I was at home depot and found a scraper in the paint aisle, the handle is all plastic and it holds a special 3" wide blade. It is awesome. Defiantly my new favorite.



Originally posted by george w:
I use to use a single edge razor blade. You can find these little plastic holders for them also. I was at home depot and found a scraper in the paint aisle, the handle is all plastic and it holds a special 3" wide blade. It is awesome. Defiantly my new favorite.

George W.
Thanks for the tip - sounds like just what I'm looking for!!!! The small single edge works great but on a 110 gal, it's definitely a chore!!