A good, nice, starters coral for begginers

jb clown

New Member
I have been looking at a lot of soft and hard coral and I just want a good hardry coral that looks nice. I have a 36 gal tank with 65 white and 65 actinic lights and a 75 pro wet/dry filter with a skimmer. I also have 24 lbs. of live rock. I have had my tank up for about 2 months with my fish in the tank and they are doing well. Do any of you have any sugestions?
Thanks a lot. :joy: :happyfish


Mushrooms are cheap, colorful, easy to deal with, and very hardy so they are great starter corals IMO. Colts and Leathers are also fairly hardy though not as much as most mushrooms. Zoos are another good starter coral. Lot's to choose from.


Active Member
Nepthea (tree coral) are easy as well I have a brown varity that is self propagating like mad in my tank...
I saw one at the LFS today that was almost Neon Yellow...may have to go back tomorrow and get it...:D


I got these xenia about 1 month ago and already they are spreading and moving around. I think they look great..they sway nice and there tips open and close like little mouths...(as best as I can explain it)



Originally posted by Squidd
I saw one at the LFS today that was almost Neon Yellow...may have to go back tomorrow and get it...:D

Make sure that it's not dyed that color before you buy it. Neon Yellow is a typical dyed color.