A good skimemr too get?


for my 75, but one big enough so when i upgrade, i wont have too buy a new skimemr. Good enough for my two triggers and my eel, my tank will never be reef, just FOWLR. I had a Berlin Classic Turbo, would that be good??


Active Member
I would recommend the Kent Marine Nautilus TE. There are better skimmers out there but for the money this one is great...


it can be anything, preferably in sump or external, but anything will work.... Golfish, yes euroreefs r great, but im only 14, and i jut cant come up with the 400-600$ too buy one.


New Member
try the aqua c remora pro, that should be big enough to go past the eventual 75 gallon +, expensive but keeps your aquarium clean clean.........