a good uv sterilizer for my 150 gallon tank


Like the title says, i have a 150 gallon tank im setting up and i want to get a uv for it to clarify the water and kill bad organisms.. So for those of you who like uv sterilizers and have had good luck with yours please share all of your opinions so i can get a good one... Specifics of the sterilizer you guys would recommend for my tank would be appreciated as well.. thanks


I don't qualify, but the dead organisms in a UV sterilizer keep clogging them up. Plus you have to replace to entire unit (in the models I have seen) of pipes every time the chamber that zaps the organims out of the water clogs up.


nobody else have any input on this??? I know there are a lot of you using uv sterilizers on here so any input is appreciated... thanks


Active Member
We have a 150g reef and did purchase a UV sterilizer last year, but did not install it. We went with what was considered one of the best on the market. Aqua UV 57 Watt w/wiper. It's expensive, but but worth the money... that's what I've heard from others who use it in large tanks.


Active Member
o. I use a 25watt and have never had to clean it due to it getting clogged. I do think I am due for a new bulb on it tho


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt210
dang spiderwoman, 57 watts in a 150g? and you never used it. did you at least sell it?
Still have it and it's never seen water :)
We're holding on to it for the future big tank. That will most likely be a FOWLR.