A humbug of a damsel.


New Member
Over the last few days I purchased a slightly large humbug damselfish. He measures about 2-3 inches in diameter and he has been a nice addition to my tank. Lately, though, he has been digging up sand and throwing everywhere. This has happened in three sections of my tank, he digs underneath the rocks and a place where I have a cave set up. I believe if he keeps digging he will make my rocks topple. He will do this for a short time period but several times during the day. Three spots on my tank now have hills of sand. Is this normal behavior or does he have something that is making him do this?
Thanx, Duce


My clarkii clown is doing the same thing around his anename. Should I try to fill it back in or leave it?


jtirone, you can try to fill it back in but chances are that the fish will just do it again. If you want maybe put some small frags around your anenome if you wish. You could also be possibly blasting the sand away with a powerhead by accident, so check that out. I have always found that unless you want to move sand around all the time don't bother.