A Ich spot and shark tank?


New Member
I have signs of Ich on my Blue hippo in a FOWLR tank. I was thinking of using Kick- Ick due to the fact that I have a Bamboo shark in there. Did anyone ever use this w a shark? Any affects? I have alot of live rock and it is hard to catch any fish to put in a quar. tank. I'm afraid that if I have to rip all the rock out I'll stess everthing out. Any suggestions?


Staff member
Well, you can try it, but that product is not very effective. How bad is the ich?


New Member
It is fairly mild right now just worried about spreading to square pink anthias, blue face angel, ( both new), yellow tang. I may just lower to 1.016 and add some garlic and supplements to food. Any suggestions?


Staff member
Sharks can not tolerate hypo-saline conditions and unless you lower the salinity to the target of 1.009, it would not be effective anyway.
The only solution I see is to QT all the fish except shark, then do hyposalinity. You can try heavy garlic feedings with fresh garlic, but be prepared to deal with full blown ich.