A large lump


I just bought my a snowflake Eel today and I noticed it has a rather large cyst looking bump on his upper right side.
He is about 9-10 months old and has been in the tank for a day.
I noticed labored breathing and not eating(which is normal for the first night in the tank i think).
I am not sure what it is any guess??


Staff member
You didn't notice this on the fish at the store, or while acclimating? Is it an injury that happened during transition to your tank?
More details needed, and a picture would be helpful.


I did notice it when he was at the store, but I thought he had just eaten something and he was still digesting it.(Like a snake does, how you can see the foods body in them). But it has not gone away in like three days now.
Srry Digi cam is down.


Staff member
So it is a bump that is internal and causing the surface skiin to protrude? Has the fish eaten? Do you know what the LFS was feeding the fish?


He was eating Silversides at the store and krill with omega fish food. I think it is like a cut he got but am not sure. It is like a bite mark and looks to be healing up but I am worried about infections.
He was in the LFS tank with a LARGE i meanLarge like 15" panther grouper, a volitia Lionfish, and a couple None aggressive fish(Ex-- Clownfish)
He is not eating yet and it has been four days.
How long would you geuss till he eats.


Staff member
Eels can be difficult to acclimate to eating. How does he look aside from this problem?
Try offering him food by target feeding him.


He looks very plump and happy besides the gash in his side. I don't know if this is normal but he seems to be breathing heavy all the time. Like opening and closing his mouth every time I see him like he was eating something??
I did see him take a silverside into his PVC home today and did't come back out with it so he might starting eating by my feeding stick soon:happy:


Staff member
Look at the gills, they should have a steady rhythmic movment that is not strained. They should not be pounding and moving rapidly.