A. latezonatus


I've been frequenting this forum a little more regularly and I thought I would share some pics of my latz. I lost the largest female a few weeks into QT, I'm still baffled as to why, but the other two are doing well. The other two went on to spend six weeks in QT, then went into the display tank just to start fighting (which didn't occur in QT) and break out with ich. I then put them back in QT (to treat the ich) and it's been about a month. I'm probably going to put them back in the display some time this week. I'm hoping since I have no fish (just an eel) in the display all the ich has run it's life cycle and is now dead. I would love to hear about anyone else's experiences with these guys.



Active Member
Very nice looking fish.
I do have a few suggestions. Wait a few more weeks until you put them back in the main tank. Ich can be present up to 6 or 7 weeks after an outbreak and you will want to be sure it has run it's course. Since they just got over an outbreak, they will be a little more succeptable to another.
As for the "fighting", they are just trying to determine who will be the next female. As to why it didn't happen in QT, I don't know. Perhaps the environmental surroundings (rocks, etc) have something to do with it.


OK, I'll keep them out a few more weeks. I've never dealt with ich, so any info is appreciated.
The dominance issue is a bit puzzling because once the largest female had passed the remaining two had determined a hierarchy before they went into the display. The smaller of the two was constantly quivering to the larger one. They were then introduced to a rbta, and maybe the female was just reaffirming her seniority.
Thanks again, Chris


Yes they do, I keep the tank at 75.
Also TheGrog, am I safe in assuming ich can not live off my eel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by riccio
Yes they do, I keep the tank at 75.
Also TheGrog, am I safe in assuming ich can not live off my eel?
I don't think so but eels are a species that I am not totally familiar with.


Active Member
Ehi Riccio I would like a pair of those latz. Where can I get them? Should I go to my lfs?


JP, these very, very difficult to get. They're out of Australia and usually end up in Japan since they will pay the big bucks for them. They have shown up here in the states the last few weeks, so if you have a lfs that has a good wholesale connection, and orders a lot of high end livestock they may have a shot at getting them. They were available from another online vendor two weeks ago, but they sold the few they had instantly. Put the word out to your lfs's and hopefully they might find them for you. Also, expect to really PAY for them.