a lionfish question for "lionfish"


Hello. I got him to eat! He ate 2 feeder fish today. I still cant get him to eat the formula 1 (thats what he was fed at the pet store for about 6 months). Do you have any suggestions for getting him back to the formula 1? Thanks for all yer help!


you have a big task on your hands, but it can be done. you will need to use a feeding stick and some silver sides or lance fish, you need to keep offering him the feeding stick everyday. Do this after you know the fish is eatting and healthy. Good Luck


Hey I have a dawrf lionfish, and I the day I got him he started to eat guppies I dunno if you wana try those, but I find they work well, I also breed them to save money
Hey Ozzfan, have you tried ghost shrimp or frozen MYSIS shrimp?? My dwarf Antennata loves the mysis I just drop it near the stream of the powerhead and he chases it down
goodluck with your dwarf....