A little feedback please.

Can someone guide me in the right direction of finding some pics of tube worms or fether dusters. I have been adding Marc Weiss Coral Vital for three weeks and I'm starting to see a couple of things: Green stems growing off the l/r and white tubes on the bottom of the rock. What are they and are they good or bad?
Someone told me that the stems were macro algae and to let it grow a little more to determine which kind.


there are several different types of feather dusters some small but some get quite large like the hawaiian feathers. here are some pics of the smaller ones these grow in clusters
<a href="http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/img/faq_dusters.jpg" target="_blank">clusters dusters</a>
<a href="http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/pages/picture_pages/faq_serpulid.html" target="_blank">dusters</a>
they also can come in many colors also.
the stems that you are talking about sound like spindle weed also called catapillar weed. a green macro isnt to bad and does not seem to take over the tank. i have some and it gets so big then dies off then new sprouts come up and its been staying in one spot on the rock. doesnt seem to spread at all.
<a href="http://www.gettysburg.edu/~rcavalie/bda_i/062.html" target="_blank">spindleweed</a>