A little help and advice, please!


I know that light threads have already been done, but it is all soooo confusing. I decided to get MH lighting; I wish I had just done that to begin with! :rolleyes: Anyway, I'm not sure what is best; I don't have a canopy, so at first I was looking at pendants. Then I found two lights:
Both are retrofits:
250w MH EV Electronic ballast, Hamilton 14,000k, 2 URI Super Actinic or 2 ATI T-5 Blue + for $303.00
250w Electronic ballast, spider reflector, mogul socket w/cord & power cord, 10k Ushio bulb for $204.00
I was thinking of building a canopy then, or I could get the pendant, but then I wouldn't have any supplemental. Which would be better, I know you can get bulbs that have a blue hue, is this enough to look good??
Any help, suggestions, or advice would be REALLY appreciated!! :D


It is so easy to build your own canopy with just a bit of carpentry skills. I sugget this for your tank. The benifit is no great light loss into your tank room, which can be very distracting, especially if there's a TV in there, as there is alot of glare (like having an open window) and secondly the pride of telling others you made it.
There is this company in Europe called arcadia who makes pentant type MH with your supplimental lighting. All enclosed in a modern rectagular pentant. It even has built in fans and timers to control the MH and NO lighting. They are coming out with a US version very soon, but if need be you can purchase one and get a stand down transformer to run them in the states. Here is a link to their sight for all the information you need.


Oh, if you have the skills to do such, canopy building can be a lucrative hobby.... Possibly paying for that next, bigger tank!


P.S. : supplement any MH (except maybe 20000K) with Actinic (blue) flourescent tube lighting.:)


Thanks for the reply,
TimO- Yes I know I could build the canopy myself, the only problem is figuring out how to make it so I can still get in there (my tank is in the corner but it’s a bowfront; I was trying to get more room underneath).
Calvin & Hobbes-
Yes I saw those lights, I like them but I couldn't find anyone in the US that carried them yet. Maybe I missed it, but i did search for one. :notsure:


I'll post you some close-ups of the two I've made in a few. You"ll see... access can be easy...


Can people post what MH bulbs they like and use, and what K? There are so many, I read that Hamilton and Ushio are good; anyone have these?
Also my tank is 21” deep (from very top to very bottom), I can still use a 250 watt right? Or should I stick with the 175 w?
The branch here in the United Kingdom told me HIKARI SALES USA INC will be the distributor for the US version once they are done with the deveolpment and production. Sunlight supply makes a similar product called the maristar here is a link to their web site
Sun light


OK..just took the pics, will post in a sec.. to answer the ?, I suggest 10000K Ushios.. I run one 250, as you'll see, and I think it's great, however, it's the only bulb I've used, l so I'm of no comparison value.
So, here goes with my canopy pics.. it's not professional grade and they're not finished yet, but it may give you a direction on a canopy design with great access.