A Lot Of Adjustments, Afraid Dialing Down The Ball Valve Is Bad


hello all,
So I got a new return pump. Little Giant 3-MDQX-SC, (used to have a 2 series) and I have a 75 gal tank. Needless to say there was some adjusting that needed to be done because the following was going on. Running from the return at about 4-5 feet from top of tank. At 6 ft 875 GPH, should be ok.
1) The overflow was way outta whack. Wasn't allowing water thru the overflow box consistently.
2) The water in the sump wasn't getting high enough.
So I dialed down the ball valve to about 5/8ths and it seems to help balance everything.
Here is my question. How can dialing down the ball valve NOT reduce the flow of water ?? That was my whole point of getting a new return pump, I wanted more water flow. Is dialing down my ball to 5/8ths hindering flow and will it damage anything ?
Can someone please help answer my question and give me suggestions.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Closing the ball valve means less flow.Sounds to me like you need a higher rated gph overflow box.But since you have the new pump maybe you might want to consider a closed loop to get the flow you are looking for.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Your dialing the pump down on the output side?

yes, on the output side. Ball valve is attached to the PVC which it attached to 1 inch hose leading to the inputs on the back of the tank


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Closing the ball valve means less flow.Sounds to me like you need a higher rated gph overflow box.But since you have the new pump maybe you might want to consider a closed loop to get the flow you are looking for.

Hello, thank you for your help. Can you please tell me what a "closed loop" is.
Than you again.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Is the valve on the return line opened all the way?And how big is your sump?

There are 2 valves. Both on the return side. please see pics.
Closing the ball valve down (red valve) on the return line was the only thing that helped slow down the flow into my box. It was doing the toilet flushing scenario.
Up until that point I was trying to adjust the durso and it wasn't helping at all. I just couldn't get a happy balance.