A Million Devil Damsel EGGS AHHH


Originally Posted by ZappBrannigan
actually i have one all blue damsel he doesnt really bother my other fish. he got stung by my anemone really seriously and his whole right side dropped off all the skin and was bleeding, i thought it would die for sure, but it healed and now has just a small scar. maybe it depends on the individual fish, cause sometimes i swear my clown and damsel are swiming together.
Wow! Talk about perseverance! My blue damsel is at the bottom of the food chain in my tank. I have Humu, Tomato C, Skunk Pseudo, Yellow belly Damsel, and the blue. I used to have a King Damsel in there, but he harassed the living daylights out of the other damsels so I moved him to my 6g pico.