Seen it before, the mods are still decieding if we should sticky it, that is once we get that light bulb changed in the Shark Tank, but we are still decieding on how many mods it takes to change a light bulb.
Need to speed it up. I got bored and closed the window. A newbie such as myself would never read/view something that long....we would just start a thread asking what that stupid, useless sticky was about
and how to removeit cuz I'm tired of lookin at it every day.
A little tangient, but still pertinent.
I did a search before starting a thread just today and came up with 7 whopping results for fish trap and only 2 of those actually included the words fish and trap. Surely there have been more than that. Right?
And one was the size of a REFRIGERATOR!!!!!!!!! Get Real