a new beggining


thanks for all the help saltwaterfish and other people:D
my tank has been empteid of all fresh water and im cleaning out the rest of the gravel and algea today

soon itll have sand, saltwater, and all the tech needed! then live rock, do i have 2 wait 2 put live rock in? then fish, then coral(hopefully), still may have some questions along the way, wait! heres one, how do i get pics on here?


Mix your saltwater, fill the tank half way up, add the sand wait about 30 min till the sand has setteled then add the lve rock now you fill your tank to the top with saltwater and tun on your filter, heater, skimmer if you have one. And wait for about 5 days, then you can add 2 or 3 damsels, they are very hardy fish and will speed up the cycling process. Good luck