A new eel with the shakes!


I have a new 175 gallon with a tessalata eel in it about 3 1/2 feet long. Yesterday I decided to take the chance and bought a snowflake eel about 14 inches long to see if Ol Max, my tessa, would let it live. So, after a few skipped heartbeats, I realized that they like each other! They lay with their heads really close.
Today though, I noticed my snowflake eel shakes his head from side to side pretty much like he were sneezing, but side to side. What's wrong with the little guy? Hasn't eaten yet either, but I figure that will take a few days.


Hmm, the only thing I could think of is that he might have some parasites irritating his gills. That would be my best guess but don't hold me to it. It may just be something he likes to do, there's no telling.


If it's parasites, do I just have to wait it out? or do I need to do something? He does have a few stringy things hanging on the underside of him, up near his head.


Originally Posted by Jcarroll
If it's parasites, do I just have to wait it out? or do I need to do something? He does have a few stringy things hanging on the underside of him, up near his head.
I know they don't tolerate copper very well. They do however handle hypo pretty good, but I'd just wait it out to see how he and your other fish do. Eels are known to fight off parasites pretty good.