A new guy, with alot of questions.


Hello all at Saltwaterfish,
I have many questions, hopefully not tooo many! I just like to be as well advised as possible before I make any big purchases.
I plan on getting the 24 gallon Aqua Pod.
1. I know this comes with just about everything I would need, Lighting, Filtration etc. Is there a compartment I would be able to fit a small skimmer in? Also, is the stock filtration going to put out enough GPH?(290)
2. Is the stock lighting (2x36 watt(1 dual actinic, 1 dual daylight)) be adequate for low - moderate light requirement corals?
3.For stock Im planning 2 false perc. clowns, a sixline wrasse, and either a royal gramma, or some sort of gobie. Also a cleaning crew suited for the size of the tank, Is that too many fish? Depending on the answer of question 2, I may also keep a few coral.
That should be all my questions for now, but Im sure I will have some more inthe future. Thanks!


1.) Do a search on this board for sapphire skimmer. I don't use them, but people seem to like them and they will fit in the tank.
2.) Yes, your lighting should be sufficient for most soft corals and a few LPS.
3.) That fish list is probably fine. Personally, I would start with the pair of percs and see how your water quality responds. With a nano the less fish you have the easier it is to keep it algae free.


Regarding the stock list, I kept:
2 cinnamon clowns
1 six line
1 royal gramma
1 long-nose hawk
in a 30 gallon cube. This is basically you list plus the hawk. In the 24, you should be fine if you leave the hawk out. I also kept a variety of mushrooms, also green star polyps, zoos, xenia, hammer coral and bubble coral in that tank. I don't suggest to keep yours as crowded unless you filter the heck out of the thing and use a skimmer. I used a venturi (Prisim) skimmer from Red Sea. If you want to start with corals, i'd get shrooms or xenia, they have very easy light and water quality requirements. But be careful, xenia can take over your tank.
Trust me, I'm no expert, so listen to others experiences and formulate your own plan. That's worked best for me.


Welcome to the board. This forum basically rules, so good find!
I know very little but all I will say is these corals are so amazing to study and watch, and I think a few species will hold my interest for a long time.
I saw a coral poop the other day and my jaw hit the floor! Haha!
Good luck and learn! Ask questions, I have found people enjoy sharing their knowledge. But also, just check out some of the larger threads. I have found that by doing that, many questions have not only been answered, but there is most likely an elaborate discourse on most Nano topics. I learned ALOT spending a couple hours reading the longer ones. Plus, the pics are sweet!!!