A Newbie Question


New Member
I'm a complete newbie when it comes to saltwater fish tanks, I've had cichlids for some time now and am ready to start the next step. I know I want to start out simple and a nanocube seems to be the way to go. The first thing I need to decide is between 12 and 24 gallon NanoCube, does the general convention of the larger the tank the easier to maintain the water quality hold with saltwater? If thats the case I'll go to the 24, other wise I think I'll go to the 12 since i hear the lighting is better with these (correct me if I'm wrong). I would love to hear all of your input and suggestions between the two, or any other nano setup that is out there.
The next question would be, once I get my cube what is the process of setting it up? If any of you know a good webpage that discusses it or a book you can point me in the direction it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your input (I apologize if this has all been addressed somewhere else).


Just read as many threads as you can on this board.
Lighting is a problem with the depth of the tank.
You are right the more gallons, the more stable the water.
Check out the nano forums on this board, which is geared for small tanks. :happy:


Active Member
Ok, have u decided what type of tank?
i would say that the size would depend alot on what ur answer is.


Active Member
alot of diversity
more expensive
less fish
less fish choices
less diversity
more fissh choices
no corals exept for a couple of types
just fish
very cheap
alot of fish
aggressive: one or two very aggressive fish
very interesting
cool to watch
tank is pretty cheap


New Member
Looking at the choices I would probably want to go with the reef tank or the aggressive tank. Is there somewhere i can find good examples of nanotanks of those two kinds? I know I can find some pics in the forums but I dont know that I would be able to tell what kind of tank it was. Thank you all very much for the information.


Active Member
well just do a search at the top for reef/aggressive pics and you should find some.
if you find some and want an aggressive then you pretty much are restriced to the 24 and you would have to chouse between an angler or dwarf lionfish.


I hear "Nano Cubes" have a problem with leaks/cracking. I am also interested in getting a nano tank as my next setup, but am leaning more toward building my own out of a 10-12 gallon tank. The advantage I have heard of with nanocubes is that they come with really good lighting.
Anyone have info on that, or am I totally off-base? :jumping:


New Member
i' am fairly new to all of this also. by suggestion of this board, i purchased a book titled Conscientious Marine Aquarist . Very imformative book. I have a 29 gallon reef that has been running for about 5 weeks, 3 weeks with fish and is doing great. this board and that book have been my most valuable resources.


Are you looking for a Nano cube because you want one (or want to keep the price down)? Or are you looking for a Nano cube because it is easier to maintain? It isn't... as you mentioned, more gallons are better so newbies are usually encouraged to get 55's to start. There are similarities to cichlid tanks, so I think you'll be fine either way, but if you are looking for easy, go with a 55 or even bigger.