a pair of lighting questions


1st question :)
curent tank is 37 gal with 6500k 250W Ik bulb and 110 pc light. One bulb is actinic, the other is 10k i think. (came with the light from the original owner)
Will shifting to 2 pure atinic bulbs be fine for the tank?
2nd question.
I have a 90 gal tank I am contemplating switching to swreef in the future. At 90 gal would a pair of 250w MH and 110 w of actinic be enough?


that 90 is probably a 4 foot tank i am guessing?
if so, and you can budget it, when you get your second 250 watt halide kit, you might also want to look into getting a pair of the 42.5" vho actinic bulbs and a ballast to run them. they are the fullw attage of a regular 48" bulb, but they fit inside a 4' canopy. unless you are going with a 10k or higher halide setup, i think you will want more blue for the 90 than 110 watts of pc will give you.
as far as going to 2 actinics now, it shouldnt effect your corals health really, it will just amke your tank more blue. you are getting plenty of light from the halide in the white spectrum for whatever you are keeping.
is this a hex tank? 37 seems an odd gallonage for some reason.


its 30"x12"x18", the larger cousin of the 29gal tank.
Kinda narrow for a reef, but its what I had at the time and I'm not quite ready to get rid of the africans in the 90 yet... :)
Thanks for the tips on the 90