a picture of my 72 gallon bowfront


I know my tank isnt spectactular or anything but I just want to you guys my work in progress. I put a lot of time and money into this tank(which is my first fish tank ever). Jan 17,2003 wil be the 5 months aniversary of it.
Due to battle with ich..3 of my fishes (flame angel, percula, and blue tang is in a qt) As you can see i still have a firefish to catch.
Its a 72 g AGA. No sump nor refugium. Will add later on.
Remora pro skimmer
4x65 watt and 2x96 watt pc
110 lb live rocks and about 150 ls
2 cleaner shrimp 1 fire shrimp 1 peppermint
2 emerald
and a variety of corals...too lazy to type
any input is welcome


Staff member
Looks almost exactly like my tank! I have a 72gal bowfront too!
Hey, what kind of canopy do you have?


Thanks everybody! I didnt know my tank looked nice...i thought it looked real dirty...but beth: i had it custom made through my LFS. It costed me around 200 bucks.. It looks real clean and cut. Can i see some pix of your tank? BTW thanks for all you help in the disease forum.
the only filteration i have are the lr,5inch dsb, and teh remora pro skimmer. i also change about 7 gallon every 2 weeks.


Staff member
My goodness, not only does your tank look like mine, but you are running the same setup.
I run a dsb, too, along with the Remorapro. I had my canopy made too. I'm running 440watts VHO lighting.
I wish I had a digital camera, but I don't.
I love how you have a bridge loking thing in the middle of your tank.........its like LR LR LR BRIDGE!!!! LR LR LR LR
looks cool


Active Member
I'm with travis truman. The LR bridge is very nice. You can put piece of Dendronephthya (Tree coral) upside down and it will look great!!! Nice looking tank.


COWabonga I am sure you are very happy with your 72 bow, as most are. I am in the works of trying to decide if I want a 72 or a bigger bow. ( nothing over 120 though ) With that said here is the hang up. With the oppotunity I am sure most of us here would say the bigger the better. I am just curious on why you chose the 72. Being that it is a 72 I am sure, $$$$$ really wasnt a deciding factor, due to our hobbie requires alot, and when your at this stage well , there is just no turning back . From the looks of it, It seems that you have plenty of space. In any case I am sure that I would be happy with either, I just wanted to hear an opionion from someone who has a 72. :rolleyes:


thanks everybody again..........
Hurley: At first i started with a 46 bowfront because it fitted perfectly in a niche in my family room..but my did wasnt too happy with the size of the tank because he said it looked to small. The bad thing was i wasted a couple bags of instant salt and had it filled for a couple of days. Also used up 3 bags of live sand. So i had to tear it down and shop for a bigger tank.
I then decided for a 55 gallons because it's longer.. but was disappointed to find only 50 gallons tank. To make a long story short. I spot a 72 and fell in love with it. I thought it was the perfect size.
But even now i get alittle greedy and wished i gotten a bigger tank. But i know $$$ wouldnt allow it. In general i love my 72 and i do have alot of space to work with. I believe its the perfect size tank for a beginner, like myself. The things i would have done different is to make the tank reef ready and also paint the back black.
Thanks for the compliment on the LR Bridge. I initially had the tank set up with just a pile of rocks. But i wasnt happy with it so one day I decided to tear up the tank and redo the structure.Heres a pix


RIP to my cow fish and the female clown fish in the picture btw. I really loved the cow fish.. It was a gift from my gf. The female perc was my oldest. RIP to her too.:(