A Poll - Live Sand vs Crushed Coral


Before I switch over to Live Sand, I would like to poll the group on what you use. Thanks.


I think vast majority of people are now using live sand. It may be DSB or not, but live sand gives much more surface area for bacteria and I have not heard too many disadvantages of live sand over CC. Plus it is much easier to keep looking nice since CC gets more discolored over time.


Active Member
IMO DSB made of live sand is best filtration method. Bottom stays clean, nitrates are low all the time.
Make this change, you will like this!!!


i did crushed coral for about 8 months and switched with a DSB with LS. I did the change while moving (seemed like the perfect opportunity).
Go with the DSB of LS, or as much LS as you can ;)
good luck!
oh, just in case you ask later ...remove all the crushed coral because if you just put the live sand on top, eventually the crushed coral will reach the top. especially if you have a clown!
take my word on it :)