The bane of all Aquariests.....the power goes off, you're asleep and don't have a clue what is going on. Here's an easy alarm system to put in your bedroom. At your local hardware store buy a "Direct Wired " smoke alarm. Connect to the smoke alarm a two foot piece of old extension cord that has only the male plug on it. After taping up the connections, plug it into a wall socket in an out of the way place in your bedroom. If and when the power goes off, the alarm wil "beep" loud enough to wake you so you can take care of your precious tank(s) without losing any critters during an extended outage. When the power comes back on, the alarm quits beeping and resets.
Remember, DIRECT WIRED, not battery operated. Have a safe and fun summer.
Remember, DIRECT WIRED, not battery operated. Have a safe and fun summer.