A project for me this weekend.


I am thinking about adding some sand to my 10 month old 25 gallon high tank. I have not added much to my tank since then, so im not very worried. I only have a yellow-tail damsel and a perc. clown fish. I also have 30lbs of live rock in there. Right now i only have a 2-3in sandbed and i want to increase this. What is the easiest way to add some sand without the dreaded sand storm, and how do i add it evenly with all the rocks in there. Will my tank recycle with the addition of the sand. My fish are pretty hardy so I hope it wont affect them, but i dont know how my peppermint shrimp will do. Are the shrimp sensitive to a small fluctuations. Anyways, I just wanted to get these questions answered before my project begins this afternoon.


I don't think you can prevent the sand storm, I don't think it will bother any of the fish or the shrimp. Should not create a cycle.
I would add the sand slow, scoop the sand in a cup and then place the cup a close to the bottom, then empty the cup. The tank should clear up in about 12-24 hrs. depending on the filtration and flow.


Well-Known Member
one suggestion on this board was to use some pvc pipe to pour the sand in. Helps prevent the sand storm. Another is to remove a mush water as possible then add the sand. And when adding the water back to the tank, place a plate on the sand and pour the water onto the plate. that helps also.


Active Member
If it;s dead sand, I would put it in a container and rinse it to remove some of the spaller particles, then you can put it in a baggie or a cup then put it as close to the bottom as you can then dump it out slowly.


Active Member
I would say if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. I think that deep sand beds are just nitrate traps for systems with fish....maybe ok for a reef tank that does not have a lot of wastes from fish in it. Thats just my thought on the matter. Leave it alone if it is working! Lesley


Active Member
I agree with Lesleybird. I understand the urge to make some sort of change, but this one is just going to cause more trouble than any benefit you get. No matter how you add the sand it will cover over "everything" in your tank until it settles out and at the same time bury the bacteria on the substrate you currently have going.
Maybe look for a unique piece of LR and a little rearranging to fill your "craving" for change.
Good Luck!