A quarantine dilema


New Member
I have been cycling my main tank - 125 gal with 180 lb of live rock for about 6 weeks. Have added a few snails, hermits etc but have not added any fish. My dilema is that I have also been cycling a quarantine tank for 4 weeks - the last 2-3 weeks with molly. I thought the tank had completed its cycle so I ordered 5 small green chromis as the first fish addition (they will be in the store on Tuesday). Unfortunately, I tested the water in the quarantine and the ammonia at about .3, nitrites are about 2.0 and nitrates at 50.
My main tank is ammonia at 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates <20.
My question: should I skip quarantine for these fish and put directly into main tank? A freshwater dip prior to introduction? Anything to ensure the quarantine tank is safe?
Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.

sinner's girl

2. don't cycle tanks with live fish, use dead shrimp, food or lr/ls
3. can the fish stay at the lfs till your qt is cycled?
if not, i'd add them to the main tank BUT! wait before adding anymore fish (the same amount of time you'd keep them in a qt).
4. don't add the fish to the tank if it's not cycled.
5. also, five fish is alot to add at once. you should only add 1-2 at a time, esp with a new tank. you may start a mini cycle, keep an eye on the water (though, since it's 125gl, it may be ok to add this many at once....?)
oh, do a water change to get the nitrates at or very close to zero before adding fish.
good luck! enjoy your new fish.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback - the LFS is going to have them for a few days. One question: why the aversion to freshwater dip? I know I have seen mixed reviews on the benefits/concerns with them but thought they were to help reduce/eliminate the parasite load somewhat effectively?
Also, what is the long term risk of introducing a disease if I go straight to the main tank with these first fish?


Hey Droth....
When I started my 125, I added directly to the tank
13 Green Chromis without problems...everyone except
for 3 did fine until I added my Queen Angel and she,
over the last 4 months, killed 7 out of the remaining 10...
its upsetting, but she was fine with them the first
few weeks...