A question & a few pics


Beth and I were trying to figure out why my 200 had amonia readings always between .25-.50. Just for the heck of it, I did the same test on my garbage can of R/O water which was at .124, and just had some Kalkwasser Mix in it. I did the test the same way using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals "Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit". The result was the same!!!!!
:notsure: Why did that happen?
Here are some fun pics I took tonight (one of the starfish I posted some time ago) hope you enjoy them....



Active Member
Can you post a link to the thread with Beth. Dont want to go into things if its already been covered. But is any thing new or different like filters, additives, salt mix. Might want to just test FW. Then test with salt and then test with kalkwasser. Tank looks sweet BTW.


it could be the test kit. i have the same test kit and it shows some ammonia, but when i tested my water at my lfs there werent any.


If your test shows ammonia even on newly mixed seawater - IMO - I would think your readings are off. I have had times when the light the test is viewed under really makes a differance. Your tank looks heathy - so for kicks run a test and read it under white florescent light. Also on most NH3 test if you look at trace amounts of NH3 at pH of over 8.0 it should always be in the safe zone.


Thanks for your replies. I will have the water tested elswhere to make sure. I really think it must be the test kit at this point. It's funny, because I tested the R/O water only to see what zero amonia would look like. Interesting how things work out in science.


I tried making a link as requested, but didn't know how. The conversation with Beth is on page 3 of disease and treatment. Thanks.


I just tested bottled water for amonia; and then tested our tap water. The problem isn't with the test kit, because the result was zero. Our tap water tested at .50!! That means the test kit works obviously, and that the source of amonia in the tank is from the tap water as the source of the R/O water for the tank. Has anyone heard of this problem?? I am amazed, and I guess my next step is to call our city water supplier. I guess I might start using bottled water for the tank!!?