a question about my powerhead and ph


As some of you know, I just set up my tank yesterday. My powerhead is blowing a lot of bubbles intermittently. Is is supposed to blow bubbles at all? How is the little cap on the end of the air filter supposed to fit? Tight, blowing no bubbles, or loose blowing lots of bubbles? I have the aquaclear 402 powerhead. Also, my ph is a little off. It is in the 7.8 range. I've added a couple of tablespoons of baking soda. Will it bring it up rapidly, or should I wait a couple of hours, or longer before checking it again? Nitrates and Nitrites are zero. Ammonia is well, between zero and the next one. Any advice? I've got 55 gallon tank, 50lbs of sand, not sure if it's live or not. It's about 30 lbs of fuji pink sand, and 20 lbs of arag-alive, and only 10 lbs of live rock. I have to work up on the lr. Thanks in advance


Active Member
If the section of the power head is above the water it will send bubbles into the tank. this is OK - it's aerating the water and is good for the tank. however, please don't add baking soda to the tank, there is a product called Marine Buffer for changing the PH that is recommended.
Your tank is very new and has not cycled yet (established the right biofiltration to support marine life) please be patient.
You can "jump start" the nitrification cycle by purchasing a cycle solution that will start the process. A cycled tank takes four to six weeks.
Hope this helps


I have the 301 model on my 55g. I sometimes have no air and sometimes I let just a little air to make just a lite flow of bubbles. Too much and it freaks out my fish.How you set it is up to you. A little flow of bubbles will help oxygenate the water. If you have two you can set one lower in the tank with no airhose. On the other side you can set it near the top breakin the waters surface. Just avoid the tornado effect in the tank. Hope this helps.;)


Hey, JTars...nice to meet ya. I was just in Destin a couple of weeks back. I think it's prettier there than here. We were there for a baseball card show in the mall. My dh has expensive hobbies...and no money..heehee.
About the powerhead...The whole thing is submerged with suction cups. The air hose is sticking out of the water. Are you saying I don't even have to use the airhose? My hubby doesn't like the bubbles. I don't mind them...but since it's his money...lol...
Anyway, it seems like the little cap on the end of the filter, not the part you connect to the filter, but the cap that you put on that "thing" is not on right or something. Actually, I don't even know how it is supposed to be on there.


Active Member
You may remove the airhose from the powerhead.
There's really no need for air bubbles in a marine tank.
Place the powerhead deeper in the tank if it continues to draw air from the surface ( you'll see a vortex funnel shape above the place you had the airline connected ).
If it still bubbles a bit, turn the powerhead upside down while holding it underwater and give a couple whacks with your hand to shake loose any entrapped air inside.
Should take care of it.


Is it like black foam ? I had problems with mine and switched it with an air valve from the store. You dont really need the hose.Its just an option. Power heads have many uses. You can airate the water or provide circulation. You can use a spare to mix up fresh saltwater.


I needed a straight forward answer. By the way, I looked at your website, and your tanks are great!! Thanks for the info.