LionFish says......
Well, I am happy to answer your question. You see, Emperor Angels are what you would call an advanced species of fish for an aggressive fish tank. I highly recommend them if you have a 120 gallon tank and are basically going to go with moderately aggressive species but I do not recpommend them in anything below a 120 gallon tank. Also, when you have any aggressive fish such as a lionfish, trigger, puffer, eel, or grouper you will be dealing with major feeding and major messes. These fish are messy eaters and therefore you need strong filters. Now you see, when you look at any normal aggressive tank you see a bunch of rather mean fish with a major apppetite. Now when you look at a tank an Emperor angel is in, it is perfect. These angels are rather difficult to keep , and they are notriously apt to get diseases. Not good. They need perfect wtare qulaity and more docile tankmates than in an aggressive tank. They are not good choices for aggressive tanks I'm sorry to say because I want one in my 120 but I know it would be doomed. I have a Black Volitans Lionfish, a Piccasso Trigger, and a Snowflake eel in there. It would not fit with these fish. Anymore questions?