a question in hindsite

ok is this ich or something else?
dont want to loose this fish....
fish is in a 7.5 gal nano filled and topped with water from my 120
there is melefix and stress coat in the tank set it up as a quarentine for new stuff...
also fish is breathing heavy....
got fish wed and signs started last night
Fish was shipped tuesday by priority overnight. recieved it wed at 2:19pm
acclimated it to my quarentine tank. thursday night started to look distressed, breathing a bit hard. today at 2pm it had the spots.... now at 6pm is dead.
any clues?
a high fin gobie in same tank and shipment is doing great.

what is normally the best treatment?


Staff member
It could be ick or oodinium. Rapid death usually means oodinium, but since you just received the fish, you really don't know how long it was sick.
used stress coat when put them in tank only first day.. 24hrs. later he looked stressed then 24 more dead. luckily getting credit but have to mail back body.. gawd that gonna stink up the mailroom....I will be trying to get another as replacement.. what would be good as preventative when he/she shows up? copper? hypo/sal? long island ice tea and a prayer? (drink for me pray for fish LOL)